Respected VIP club member
Added: Apr 30, 2005 8:07 pm
Help? Does anyone know who the girl on the left (of the three) is in the banner on top of the page, ? I'll attach the cropped, tiny pic in case that's all that's needed. I don't think its Nikola, but if I'm wrong, let me know. Otherwise, any info -- name, age, site I can find her other than tf, can she suck-start a Harley, etc -- would be greatly appreciated, thanks! Very Happy

Added: Apr 30, 2005 8:27 pm
Thats Nikola.

Respected VIP club member
Added: Apr 30, 2005 10:26 pm
Thanks OP. Not to be a pain in the buttafuoco, but are you sure its not the girl whose face-pics I have attached? If it is Nikola, well, do you know anything about this new one? All I know is that she used to be on, errr, "Elphix", and that her name could have been 'Maria'. On another small old thread in here there's a link to a page of her very old pics along with the fake name 'Rada'. And she's been used all over the newsgroups as spam for a shitty site called sweatsweet. Thanks for any info...


p.s. am posting face-pix only because frankly I'm not sure about her, and I'd rather not get into trouble with GS yet!
Respected Poster
Added: Apr 30, 2005 10:28 pm
The only place you will find Nikola is on teenfuns and teensfix. You can get all her pix on just teenfuns, only old duplicates on teensfix.
Added: May 01, 2005 1:22 am
It looks like a pic from this Nikola set notice the hair and the yellow braids(?) that match your pic.

Added: May 01, 2005 1:27 am
Cropped and reflected...
Look familiar now?


Respected VIP club member
Added: May 01, 2005 2:25 am
No, I'm still not convinced that's Nikola. Wink Just kidding, of course, thanks. There was a resemblance, ergo my confusion, and I haven't seen that set with the yellow braids before blah blah blah. Nikola is definitely a babe, one of my top five for sure. I would drink her bathwater in a heartbeat.

So my search for more info on the girl whose face-pics I attached continues. Hopefully someone having more familiarity with "L"fix will respond and help out a poor, lost, wandering, horny soul. In the meantime, I'll attach a pic of my queen's lovely ass. Yummy. Very Happy

I'm probably spamming
Added: May 01, 2005 9:27 pm
Hi I once had a set with that beautiful girl from <> -fix.
Somewhere I saw her name as Rada.
I would really like to have her sets from then again. so plaese post on..
Respected Poster
Added: May 03, 2005 1:40 am
I'd recognize Nikola's ass anywhere.

What a srumptious piece of tail.

Thanks for the discussion. Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy
Respected VIP club member
Added: May 03, 2005 8:03 am
funlover22 wrote:
I'd recognize Nikola's ass anywhere.

What a srumptious piece of tail.

Thanks for the discussion. Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy

Nikola does indeed have a fantastic ass, one I would definitely like to feel squirming and writhing in my hands as she's riding up and down on my ... ahem. But anyway, the even more incredible ass above does NOT belong to Nikola. Couldn't tell if you were joking or not, funlover22, sorry if I'm being thick. Ya see, I'm in lust........

The scrumptious ass *does* belong to my Queen, as yet officially nameless, whose face pics are above (which I mistakenly confused with Nikola's pic on the teenfunsfree banner). I would post more pics, but I've already had one post removed for pictures of a girl whose age/look is questionable, and I don't want to run afoul of Mr. Good Samaritan. But my God, she makes my balls ache.

Okay, okay, I'll attach another picture of her second-best feature (her best feature is her smile, awwwww).

Alas, I make another appeal to those having familiarity with "L"fix. Help? Info? Name? Links to pics, past or present? I know she was on there. Elf Punk was 95% sure her name was Maria on that site, but he lost his pics due to computer crashing.

If she has pics posted on some site, be it Teenfuns, Angelfuns, or some other site, I will join faster than you can say "obsession". Very Happy

nichoho ne znayu
Added: May 03, 2005 8:48 am
The name given her was indeed Maria, and she was indeed spectacular. On L**x there was a tendency to give the girls American-sounding names. You can bet the names Tiffany, Amy, Cindy, Boby, Lusy and Kyle (Kyle?) are not on the birth certificates of those respective girls.
I'm probably spamming
Added: May 14, 2005 12:14 am
Ahhh...another Rada/Maria admirer! That beautiful little lady has figured in some serious fantasies of mine...she's divine, isn't she? There just aren't words!

Hey Ramblin', so your Queen is my little Princess. Only one thing to do to settle this like men...double up of course! So've you found out anything about sites with current or old sets of our goddess & joined 'em faster than either of us could say obsession (hey, I share it in her case, no worries)? I saw a little tip in another thread here, but I'm new here so I don't know if I can post site names or not. You probably know it anyway. It's the one that costs a small fortune in Romanian currency that works out to about US$ 50.00/month. Any other leads.

God I hope so, this dyevushka's got me under her spell! As was mentioned, those idiots at sweatsweet do pour her (tame) pics all over her case the only spam I've ever enjoyed. I knew better than to believe sw**sw** though...I remember back when they were using the vvmt series, especially the girl in the tight yellow shorts if you know the one I mean. Well, didn't mean to ramble, just had to express a little of my rapture and lust for the lovely Miss Rada-Maria Very Happy
nichoho ne znayu
Added: May 14, 2005 12:39 am
I remember when the sets of Amy, Maria, Tiffany, Lilu, Kyle, Julia, Susane, Lusy, Boby et al started appearing I literally could not believe what I was seeing. Unfortunately, given the strictures this business now operates under, they just ain't eligible anymore.
Respected VIP club member
Added: May 15, 2005 7:00 pm
Hey Walkthisworld -

Easy to understand your obsession, since I share it more than you can believe! She puts extra stone in my bone. Gives me a rumble in the jungle. Lots of wonka in my willy. Makes the "little rambler" want to jump off of my body, get on a plane, and fly to that eastern European country to track her down. Bad news though, a forum veteran has advised me that she is NOT on any current websites, goldarnit. Don't have much info, and no idea how old she was in those pics. But the thought of how gorgeous she might be these days makes me want to rip my still-beating heart out and smash it with a sledgehammer with my last stinking breath, and they'll have to extract her pictures out of my cold, dead, gripping fingers. Gosh, aren't I the drama boy today...

Anyway, to quote "Finding Nemo" -- MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE!!! Twisted Evil JK, doubling up would be fine, but I got first dibs on that scrumptious tight holiest of holies.

Nichoho ne znayu -- thanks for the info. Do you know how many sets she had on "L"fix, and how explicit they were? I have grabbed non-explicit pics from 8 sets (starting with 118, 593, 599, 602, 657, 686, 703, 714) off of the newsgroups. Want more. Need more. Must ... have ... more. Sad


p.s. is "dyevushka" russian for "yummy little babe"? Cool
nichoho ne znayu
Added: May 15, 2005 9:07 pm
dyevushka = girl
dyevachka = younger girl (younger than a dyevushka)

And just as a bonus I'll throw in the U-k-r-a-i-n-i-a-n equivalents:


You can find all of Maria's sets by combing Usenet groups, particularly those with adoles**nt or early-t**n in the name. Actually, there is a shortcut way of finding all the old Lf*x stuff if you use Easynews, and it is this: when you get a list of group names, click on the link that says "old-style index"; you will then see a list of names of posters. On any name that sounds Russian, click on the index link and you will more than likely find an old Lf*x, Z***e or bee-dee set.

Your obsession with Maria is entirely understandable. My favorites of hers are the sets she did with Lusy.