Good Poster
Added: Jun 06, 2007 9:24 pm
I agree 101% with your statement, Noshit. See my May 22.07 comment in page 1 of this post. Basically the idea is that if you like (and your tastes are as unique as your fingerprints) you stay and if you don't' like you pass. No fuss and no harm. My thanks to the posters who are the ones that with their own tastes are feeding all of us to enjoy or dislike. Wink
Respected Poster
Added: Jun 06, 2007 10:42 pm
Yeah, it would be pretty sad if there was only 1 type of female. Sometimes I also wonder when I see a post, "OMG....the most Beautiful girl ever", and when I check it out, I'm like, well, Ok....whatever floats your boat.
I guess some people just like to be either Negative or just juvenile. Sometimes I also wonder what some of the people look like who put down some of the girls, or for that matter what their girlfriends look like Laughing
I guess it's like the old saying says "if you don't have something good to say, don't say anything" still serves a good purpose.
Good Poster
Added: Jun 07, 2007 8:50 am
Hi there......looks like someone quoted me....for good reason.
Some of you know i'm still busy elsewhere in this forum, so for the moment I can't be of much help here. Digging in my archives takes a lot of time, but if you keep this thread alive for a while I might kick in later.

By the way, she appears in a number of threads in a different context. Last but not least: let's not forget her background and, when posting her stuff, thread lightly and discretely...
Good luck to y'all!
Still love'em all!
Good Poster
Added: Jun 07, 2007 9:21 am
Guys... what happened to 'freedom of expression'? She's not to my liking (as I'm sure the girls I fancy are not to yours...) and as such, as this is a forum (ie; a place to air views and opinions) it is just that... my opinion!
Respected Poster
Added: Jun 07, 2007 12:52 pm
There's nothing wrong with Freedom of Expression!.......I use my Freedom of Expression, by not commenting or contributing to posts I don't care for.
If you made a post about a girl you like.....and people started teasing about her or making rude comments, would you care?.....would it change your mind about her?...........It's doubtfull in both cases, that's the way it is for me at least. Why use a Freedom of Expression to express negativity on something that won't change the way others feel about it? It doesn't contribute anything to the forum. If we all go to each post when we don't care for the girl and make negative comments because we don't like her, it doens't do much for the board.
I see so much negativity anymore about all things, it's just dissapointing it goes on when it isn't neccessary.
Express all you want, it's just not going to change anybodys opinion about the type of girl they like.
Good Poster
Added: Jun 10, 2007 11:16 pm
"Freedom of expression" is one thing, but is it necessary to spam up a thread with negative posts?

And yes, I regard them as spam as they do nothing but derail the topic of the thread. If you like the girl, join in. If you don't like the girl, move along and let those who do like the girl discuss her without having to scroll through the negative posts.

People are entitled to their opinions, but show some respect for others who as fans of a particular model may want to discuss her with other like minded fans without the need to scroll through negative/criticising posts about the girl.
Respected VIP club member
Added: Jun 11, 2007 12:07 am
If you feel a girl is ugly or too fat, feel free to state so. I see no reason why only positive comments should be made. Hurts your feeling? Too bad. A discussion need not be 1 sided.

The links are no good as Imageshack has disabled hotlinking to this site. Also, I'm a bit tired of Noshit complaining about other peoples comments in a thread that isn't his.

Thread Locked.
Start a new thread if you like.
I'm probably spamming
Added: Jun 11, 2007 12:09 am
she sounds too good -- can anyone put up some pics please?