Added: Jun 25, 2012 1:59 am
Added: Jun 25, 2012 2:01 am
Left Foot
VIP club member
Added: Jun 26, 2012 12:25 am
I've got a request to make - can anyone post or provide a transcript of Lor's interview with, I think, a british guy - in which she talks about her work as a masseuse ? It was first asked for by NArcher back in August 2010 (page 35 of this thread.) Otherwise, does anyone know which company did the interview ?

There was a link on another site a few weeks week ago, which contained a pretty frank interview with Lor, talking about her career, her work as a masseuse, etc (conducted by a British guy). There was also a Romanian model in the beginning of the footage; does anyone know where it can be located. I'm not sure if it's from a UK TV program, althoguh it was available online.

I know that there must be more people than just me would want to know what Lor' was saying back then about her career.

It does seem as though Lor's modelling career (of the kind that appears on these boards anyway) is almost over, when you consider her output from late 2008 to early 2011, compared to now. When I first found out about her, one of the items that excited me. for a while, was news she had appeared in a film called "The Pr!soner". It turned out to be a red-herring as far as a film career for her goes. It was, by the looks of the screen captures, a pretty lame film, but because they've never been posted on here (I think) here's some that I obtained from the site that released the movie. I've only posted 4 shots. I'm not even sure if the shots are in the correct sequence, although I have tried to make some sense of them.

Note: Lor' did not use a body-double in the making of this film.

screenshot screenshot screenshotscreenshot
I will always try my best, but.....
Very Respected Poster
Added: Jun 26, 2012 3:18 pm
merci pied gauche j'espere qu'elle va continuer a faire des videos!!!
thanks I hope lorena will continue to make videos!!
Good Poster
Added: Jun 26, 2012 6:28 pm
Left Foot wrote:

It does seem as though Lorena's modelling career (of the kind that appears on these boards anyway) is almost over, when you consider her output from late 2008 to early 2011, compared to now.

Is a real shame!And though every day there are new girls appearing,I always will miss a few,
including the estimated Spanish Lorena.Love her since I saw her and will continue doing.
Left Foot
VIP club member
Added: Jul 05, 2012 11:51 am
Does anyone on here know if there was ever a thread for Lor' on the Eur0babeindex (EBI) forum ?

If so - did it have any information that we didn't have on here ? PM me if necessary.
I will always try my best, but.....
Added: Jul 08, 2012 10:52 pm
VIP club member
Added: Jul 09, 2012 10:35 am
Left Foot wrote:
Does anyone on here know if there was ever a thread for Lorena on the Eurobabeindex (EBI) forum ?

If so - did it have any information that we didn't have on here ? PM me if necessary.

There is one but since several years people can't get access to that forum,I do not know the reasons.

I wonder how much material is left from previous years for publishing,these sets were made in 2009

in the same place,with the same decoracones in her hair..


Nice contribution nhr73








Left Foot
VIP club member
Added: Jul 09, 2012 12:38 pm
Many thanks nhr73.

Meke - The age of the 'Fe'j'y pics doesn't surprise me, nor does the fact that there are still some unpublished from 2009; - this particular photographer even gets criticism on the site for having so few pics per set.

Thanks for the info about E'BI, I know it is a hard site to try to join, and it seems to going through some upheavals as well. Did you ever see the contents of her thread at E'BI ? Did anyone else on here ?
I will always try my best, but.....
Left Foot
VIP club member
Added: Jul 10, 2012 12:26 pm
Some samples from a £atex H£aven set back in February this year. Not great, but better than nothing.

Did Lor' ever get nude in these ?
I will always try my best, but.....
VIP club member
Added: Jul 10, 2012 10:16 pm
Left Foot,I can not tell if there is additional information in the other forum.

Lorena does not go naked on the latex page,they only care about the latex over her body.In the videos of that page you
might see her breasts but nothing more than that.
VIP club member
Added: Jul 20, 2012 11:02 pm
Simply spectacular

Illustration work
screenshot screenshot
Left Foot
VIP club member
Added: Jul 30, 2012 2:46 pm

Set out 31st July.
I will always try my best, but.....
Added: Aug 01, 2012 3:45 am
Added: Aug 02, 2012 10:26 pm
Hi all,
As Left Foot requested it, I have completed a transcript of Lorena’s interview with a British interviewer while being shot by Richard Kern in Mitte, Berlin. The interview is “I” and Lorena is “L”.

The photographer (Kern) starts by photographing Lorena with all her clothes on and says “I just want to see what you looked like when you got here, before you take all that makeup off”.
She laughs and says “All that makeup; so much!”

L: My name is Melanie Bianca and I am 22 years old.

I: Okay and where are you from?

L: I was born in Frankfurt, Main, but after three years went with my family to Spain. So, I will say I am from Spain.

I: When you came in, Richard made you take off all your makeup; did you feel self-conscious or uncomfortable with the makeup on?

L: A little bit, because I almost always wear makeup. I enjoy it. I never went to a shooting without makeup. I have been told not to wear too much, but never without. So, and I thought, “no, he will not care”. Many men, as I told him, don’t know when you are wearing makeup. But he noticed. It was not so much, but he noticed really good.

There is then a segment with Kern saying that she “had way too much, a lot of mascara and stuff and it made her look older. I wanted her to look as natural as possible”. He goes on to say that there are lots of girls who will not be photographed, or even leave the house, without makeup. It is like a shield.

I: How did you find the shoot today?

L: I found it really funny. Also quite interesting for me, because he didn’t want me to pose, so that was a little bit difficult. Because if I move like this (demonstrates leaning back on the couch), it can look like I am posing, but you really can move like this. It’s not exactly a pose, but when you are working, it looks like you are playing a role.

I: Did you feel like you were playing a role, or were you just being yourself?

L: No, I was being myself. That’s why I like it, also, this work.

I: So you felt like you were showing a part of your personality?

L: Yes, also, sometimes. Uh. I sometimes don’t know what to do.

I: You said it was also funny?

L: Yeah. I was laughing inside, but yeah, most of the things that he wanted me to do, or the ideas, were funny for me.

Kern then talks about how her pubic hair was styled, shaped and shaven and how it fits with a lot of her poses. He described her poses as “I just had sex”, or “I have a lot of sex”, instead of “I’ve never had sex”, which is what he usually looks for. He adds that it is almost “old school” now, like the 90’s. She also had a belly button piercing, something you don’t see too much of anymore.

He could tell she had modelled before, as she knew how to make herself loo a certain way, she knew how to move, so he went with what her style was.

I: You said you work in a massage parlour? What exactly do you do?

L: It’s mixed massage. Different types of massage. I started this year, you must learn it for quite long years.

I: What’s your favourite part of massaging people?

L: The feet.

I: Why?

L: I know where to go. It’s like a small part, so you can work it good, if tense. People enjoy it very much too.

I: Do you ever get guys coming in with kind of foot fetishes who like having their feet touched? Does it ever turn people on?

L: Yes, maybe in the classes you get some strange men. Now I do not get so surprised.

I: What can you tell me about those strange men?

L: At the points where you touch a normal part, and they get somehow excited (Laughs). You feel it, and it’s like “I’m only touching here, or touching here, it is nothing to do with the areas where you respect”.

I: What do you do when a guy gets turned on when you are massaging him?

L: At first I say, “Okay, take it easy, take it calm”. I don’t say, “Hey you, what are you thinking?!. But I stop touching.

I: Have you ever had one that didn’t go away?

L: No. I think they were quite embarrassed when they noticed. Maybe they don’t try to show you. But they get embarrassed about it.

I: Do you ever get guys who want more than just their feet touching?

L: After, after, yeah, the question “Would you like to come out for a drink?”, or “lets..” and it’s no. That’s it.

I: Why would you never do that?

L: Because I also.. I’m not interested in other men.

I: Does that mean you’ve got a boyfriend?

L: Yeah.

I: What does he think about you being shot by Richard today?

L: In general, he, no, he is not supporting. He accepts what I am doing, but he does not say, “yes, do it”.

I: Why do you think he doesn’t really encourage you?

L: Because it is something private, it is something only your partner wants to see about you. You call it the privates, but it is something more natural for me. I am not trying to hide it, because it’s something bad, or whatever. I feel more comfortable working nude, being nude, than with clothes.

The interviewer and Kern then talk about how comfortable she was getting naked and getting into poses, and how she didn’t care. She was very comfortable with “graphic” poses, such as holding her butt in the air; “It wasn’t an innocent pose. She knew what was going on”.

I: Do you watch pornography yourself?

L: I did it, I watch it. Not yet, because I also don’t have TV, don’t have computer, so I’m not so easy to watch pornography you see on the internet. But I did it, I watch it. I was interested.

I: What kind of porn do you like?

L: I was interested when women were enjoying it. Enjoying sex. Something I almost never see. Real sex, were the women are enjoying it and not pretending. I would like to see this.

I: How can you tell if a woman is really enjoying it in a porn film?

L: Men, I think, like to hear the woman enjoying it. But maybe the man is not paying attention to your body. When I see a porn movie, they go straight to just penetration, and I guess not many percent of women have their climax by penetration. So I know, as a woman, that I won’t get that excited.. maybe yes, she is one of the few who really enjoy it, but you need more. You need them to touch it more, to pay more attention to your details. I see that in a porn movie, you see straight, fast and hardcore, and in two minutes or less you are done. You don’t need to work much on the woman. It doesn’t take long, but it’s more passion.

Throughout the interview, the footage was intercut with her being shot by Kern, including at the “bombed out shelter” in which she is made out to be living rough, jumping up and down naked on a bed and with her head in an electric oven.
I think when she said she “did” porn, she probably means watching it, unless you count some of her more explicit shoots.
She came across as a very sweet girl, and unbelievably gorgeous. I don’t know if this “Joel H” is really her boyfriend, as Bearom suggested on page 59, but regardless, her boyfriend is one lucky, lucky, guy.

I did try uploading the video, but was having a lot of trouble with it. In the end, the transcript seemed easier. I hope it is okay for everyone.

As a side note, the latest release, Nova, is amazing. How is it possible for one woman to be so incredible?! Smile