Good Poster
Added: Feb 04, 2005 9:32 am
picollo are trying to be the fastest poster to get to 300 23 post a day. man I was pushing for that and I'm annoying 3 post a day.

Slow down man you burning my mouse out.

Happy it's friday but still mad.
Respected Poster
Added: Feb 04, 2005 11:16 am
gogo picollo, hope you get there soon!
Respected Poster
Added: Feb 05, 2005 9:52 pm
Hell, I'm finding it tough to come up with three witty posts a WEEK. Of course, there are rare exceptions. Like the one I'm typing right now. And I'm still typing. Of course, this just may be an effort to make my post look longer than one line which is a good way to look like you're contributing without actually contributing something. But isn't any post a contribution of sorts? Or is that a question that merely takes up space to make my contribution even more of a contribution since, in answering the aforementioned rhetorical question, I've managed to add another two or three lines to my original contribution. Make that another three or four lines. Of course, I could count up the lines instead of estimating between three and four, but by the time I do that, it'll be about five or six lines. And in the end, isn't writing about how long your post is the antithesis of contributing? Yet another rhetorical question. And, perhaps, another line or two. Who knows? Maybe I'll stretch it out to two to three lines. Make that another three or four lines. Of course, I could count up the lines instead of estimating between three and four, but by the time I do that, it'll be about five or six lines. And in the end, isn't writing about how long your post is the antithesis of contributing? Yet another rhetorical question. And, perhaps, another line or two. Who knows? Maybe I'll stretch it out to two to three lines...


Wow. Look at that fucking contribution! I could've posted two or three in the time it took to write that piece of nonsense. At this rate, I'll never make it to 300 posts. Especially if I keep wasting my words talking about wasting my words.
Very Respected Poster
Added: Feb 07, 2005 12:01 am
T-Bone wrote:
Hell, I'm finding it tough to come up with three witty posts a WEEK. Of course, there are rare exceptions. Like the one I'm typing right now. And I'm still typing. Of course, this just may be an effort to make my post look longer than one line which is a good way to look like you're contributing without actually contributing something. But isn't any post a contribution of sorts? Or is that a question that merely takes up space to make my contribution even more of a contribution since, in answering the aforementioned rhetorical question, I've managed to add another two or three lines to my original contribution. Make that another three or four lines. Of course, I could count up the lines instead of estimating between three and four, but by the time I do that, it'll be about five or six lines. And in the end, isn't writing about how long your post is the antithesis of contributing? Yet another rhetorical question. And, perhaps, another line or two. Who knows? Maybe I'll stretch it out to two to three lines. Make that another three or four lines. Of course, I could count up the lines instead of estimating between three and four, but by the time I do that, it'll be about five or six lines. And in the end, isn't writing about how long your post is the antithesis of contributing? Yet another rhetorical question. And, perhaps, another line or two. Who knows? Maybe I'll stretch it out to two to three lines...


Wow. Look at that fucking contribution! I could've posted two or three in the time it took to write that piece of nonsense. At this rate, I'll never make it to 300 posts. Especially if I keep wasting my words talking about wasting my words.

Maybe waisting words IS the right way to get there?
Respected Poster
Added: Feb 07, 2005 9:08 am
Remember the guy that needed 300,000 posts to get a membership because he was flooding the board? What ever happened to him? Very Happy
Good Poster
Added: Feb 07, 2005 10:32 am
Well well well!

Here I was just hoping to get a good start at the board
letting people know I was there.
Hoping People would then se and comment on my Picture
posts and then I get a Thread named after me.

Thanks alot guys.

And it's not even like I'm on every day.

Can't we all just get along?

Ciao Hombres!!!
Good Poster
Added: Feb 07, 2005 11:01 am
Not digging just trying to keep up and a waring, GS warned us about spamming (quick posting) just to get free memebership.

Don't wont you disapointed whne you get to 300 in 2 weeks.

Don't worry about me I'm just a grumpy old man WHO IS MAD AS HELLLLLLL arrrrr
Good Poster
Added: Feb 07, 2005 11:57 am
Mr.Paranoid wrote:
Not digging just trying to keep up and a waring, GS warned us about spamming (quick posting) just to get free memebership.

Don't wont you disapointed whne you get to 300 in 2 weeks.

Don't worry about me I'm just a grumpy old man WHO IS MAD AS HELLLLLLL arrrrr

Never knew Hell was that mad.... Hope He gets better soon.

I do try to post good stuff, Ya know Pics'n'Linkos. Here's 'oping It meets
wif approval.

Stay Mad O' Paranoid One!!
May Dio of Picture Posting Walk tall In your Presence!
Respected Poster
Added: Feb 08, 2005 1:57 am
Don't get hard Peter, we are just playing with you Laughing You should really be flattered! your own titled thread! No one has done as much for me. Maybe it was that great artwork of Dayanna you posted?

Seriously, Mr.Paranoid is just looking out for you. Early on there were some people who posted alot really fast and are not around anymore.
So it has become kind of a sensitive issue, thats all.
Good Poster
Added: Feb 08, 2005 7:52 am
Yep I like posts with pictures. I have to fill my pocket drive again and get some more posted tomorrow at work only 56k at home 1.5mb at work.

If I yell and demand to see the photos I like maybe one day someone will post them or the photographers that might read the posts and start taking the photos the mad way.

Also it would be nice if we could update more than one photo at a time god dame it Arrrrr

Juts didn't wont to see you get to 300 in a week and get pissed off if GS didn't let you in then we never hear from you again. Slow and steady and keep amusing me with your posts and I will keep being Mad!!!!! At everyone........

Now god dame-you, show me some porn that I like not what you like and make me happy.

Mader than hell no pictures.

PS: they have stoped playing South Park on TV now my week has no meaning.

Elf get you arse back in here I'm braking up.
Respected Poster
Added: Feb 08, 2005 9:13 am
Cheer up Mr.Paranoid, a new season of south park begins in just 29 days!
Good Poster
Added: Feb 08, 2005 9:35 am
Gosh Darn It!!!

Didn't Know Ya'll cared...

Naw, I see the point.
I'm not here to bash the forum or skippy my way to a free pass.
Although free pass is good!!

Gonna post lovely girls... Like'm or not "Mr.Mad"

Stay Mad or Cool (Ya own choice, really)

Peace out
Pic Poster from the cold North
Password for Rars: ByPicollo4U
PB Girls PB Movies
Respected Poster
Added: Feb 20, 2005 12:03 am
I'm gone two weeks and no one comments on how hilarious my post was?????

Come on, that was the hardest I've worked in months.

Good Poster
Added: Feb 20, 2005 10:25 am
Au contraire, I believe ConTractor responded to your hilarious post.

ConTractor wrote:
T-Bone wrote:
Hell, I'm finding it tough to come up with three witty posts a WEEK. Of course, there are rare exceptions. Like the one I'm typing right now. And I'm still typing. Of course, this just may be an effort to make my post look longer than one line which is a good way to look like you're contributing without actually contributing something. But isn't any post a contribution of sorts? Or is that a question that merely takes up space to make my contribution even more of a contribution since, in answering the aforementioned rhetorical question, I've managed to add another two or three lines to my original contribution. Make that another three or four lines. Of course, I could count up the lines instead of estimating between three and four, but by the time I do that, it'll be about five or six lines. And in the end, isn't writing about how long your post is the antithesis of contributing? Yet another rhetorical question. And, perhaps, another line or two. Who knows? Maybe I'll stretch it out to two to three lines. Make that another three or four lines. Of course, I could count up the lines instead of estimating between three and four, but by the time I do that, it'll be about five or six lines. And in the end, isn't writing about how long your post is the antithesis of contributing? Yet another rhetorical question. And, perhaps, another line or two. Who knows? Maybe I'll stretch it out to two to three lines...


Wow. Look at that fucking contribution! I could've posted two or three in the time it took to write that piece of nonsense. At this rate, I'll never make it to 300 posts. Especially if I keep wasting my words talking about wasting my words.

Maybe waisting words IS the right way to get there?
Respected Poster
Added: Feb 20, 2005 11:29 pm
T-Bone hangs his head in shame. T-Bone is sorry that he didn't notice Contractor's response and had to be reminded by the ominous orwellscomp. T-Bone likes to refer to himself in the third person.

(Anyone else ever seen that Seinfeld episode where George starts to refer to himself in the third person without knowing it? Hilarious, I tell you what)